Saturday, October 24, 2009

DIY #2

Ok, this almost didn't make the cut because it's definitely not creative and was only done by sheer necessity. When we arrived on moving day (we had not seen the house in person, only pictures online), the 3rd bedroom looked like this:

What is that on the walls/peeling off the walls, you ask? Why, it's butcher paper, of course! Someone thought it would be a good idea to glue butcher paper to the walls and call it wall paper. I know we live in the NW, but this is taking recycling a bit too far! Come to find out, this was done on an episode of trading spaces (this makes me question my devotion to HGTV!), and the homeowner thought it was neat.

So, I spent the better part of 2 days doing this... And Greg spent the better part of 2 days sanding, texturing and painting so that it would look like this...
Much better. We didn't want to have to paint above the chair rail (which will be painted white at some point) so we chose a color that coordinated with the existing yellow. The paint color is Belgium Sweet, and we are happy with the way it turned out.

1 comment:

Ankeney Tribe said...

Yay!! More creative stuff!! I like the before and after shots of the walls... you look SO thrilled to be sitting there pulling paper off of the walls :-)