Monday, October 20, 2008

More Inspiration

About 10 years ago my sister, Christina, got me started on scrapbooking. Ever since then, we have scrapped at every opportunity and in many different places - including Santa Barbara, Portland, Israel, Boise and Olympia! My best scrapbooking happens when I am with her! Her style is so inspiring and she is always helpful when I am stuck. I am so glad that we have this hobby to share!

This is from our trip out there last week. we got to spend a whole day (14 1/2 hours) away from the house scrapbooking! (Pictures to come.)

And this is from our last scrap retreat in July - it was an all day workshop that we went to (yes we are wearing matching shirts!).
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Ankeney Tribe said...

Has it really been 10 years!! That seems like a long time! I've loved every minute of it :-) Just to let you word verification word is "howedic"...hmmm...didn't know that was a word! Maybe I'm reading it wrong and I'm really a spammer!

Cathyk said...

Cool! looking forward to keeping up with you!